Mindful Awareness

The Meridian Quantum Detox is a 100% drug-free-intake noninvasive natural therapy innovated basing on ancient Meridian healing modalities practiced in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries combined with modern quantum physics’ vibration energy theory. The toxins, especially those accumulated synthetic wastes like micro-polymers of a human body are functionally detoxified by applying our proprietary meridian massage with quantum balm pasting to activate and decouple toxic energy bond, and using detoxifying cupping to reset, revive, rejuvenate, and improve human cellular health without interfering or interrupting other existing treatment.
There are numerous articles, literature, and researches about the toxins of a human body that readers can find today. Here, we just simply define that the toxins of a human body are any harmful substances or impurities that are imbalanced produced by human cells or came from outside.
To perform the following innovative natural detox modality:

  • Apply a proprietary set of therapeutic meridian massage to energize the meridians of the body;
  • Apply a proprietary set of quantum aroma-herb balm pastes at or near a proprietary set of acupoints to animate, activate, and weaken the toxic energy bonds;
  • Apply a proprietary set of pressure-controlled vacuum cupping at or near a proprietary set of acupoints for toxins' drainage and extraction;
  • Apply a proprietary set of healing herbal balm pastes at or near a proprietary set of acupoints to restore and balance the coherent energy homeostasis.
To provide a safe effective toxins drainage 100% drug-free-intake without burdening or interfering or interrupting the regular organ functions for excreting toxins through their usual channels like urination, feces, or perspiration.
The Meridian Quantum Detox is a 100% drug-free-intake noninvasive natural therapy most suitable for people having sub/abnormal health symptoms or conditions. It's a great practice for people to receive this detox therapy at least once in a lifetime, especially for those planning to have babies.

This innovative detox therapy is highly beneficial to people having cardiovascular defects, neurological dysfunctions, and other disordering symptoms with unknown/undetectable causes. We do not claim herein any cures, treatments, diagnoses, and preventions of these illnesses with efficacy.
Literally speaking, the Meridian Quantum Detox is an innovative 100% drug-free-intake noninvasive naturopathy to detoxify a human body by applying the combining modalities of Meridian massage, quantum herbal balm pasting, and pressure-controlled epidermal vacuum cupping.

This innovative detox naturopathy is inspired by functionally integrating the ancient Meridian therapy practiced by healing professionals worldwide in centuries with new discoveries in quantum physics covering energy, matter, and quantum vibration.

This innovative detox therapy manifests a natural extension of traditional massage therapy to a safe effective clinical healing therapy with innovative modalities, which broaden the quantum biophysics' studies into molecular and cellular respiration, fermentation, and metabolism reactions.

This innovative therapy doesn't interfere with or interrupt other existing treatment of a patient. It provides supplemental indications and biomarker analysis to better the patient's existing treatment with a faster and better recovery.

This innovative detox therapy is ascertained as a better modality for athletes and sports detox, rehabilitation, physical recovery, and therapy healing.

The objective of the Meridian Quantum Detox is to power to heal a human body using the most natural means available while doing no harm. It is intended to provide a functional effective and eco-natural healing solution addon to the existing medical treatments for medical advancement.

It combines ancient healing modalities with modern quantum energy breakthroughs to treat sub/abnormal human physicality 100% drug-free-intake noninvasively without interfering or interrupting other existing treatments.
Our Meridian Quantum Detox is a innovative 100% drug-free-intake noninvasive naturopathy that can unconventionally and safe effectively extract and drain the toxins of a human body without interfering or interrupting other existing treatments.

Meridian Quantum Detox
Physical Therapy

Therapeutic Massage
Meridian Massage
General Cupping Massage
External Electrical Equipment
Therapy Safety Assurance
Therapy Modality IP
Quantum Paste SOP
Detox Cupping SOP
Clinic Therapy Efficacy
a% Y
b% Y
Targeted Remedy and Healing

Under the materialistically decayed and low-consciously polluted modern biosphere environment, the elder age grew, the more synthetic drugs consumed, the more toxins will eventually accumulate in a human body. Our Meridian Quantum Detox provides a 100% drug-free-intake noninvasive modality to effectively extract and drain the toxins of our body, especially those synthetic wastes like micro-polymers, to efficiently and naturally revive and better our molecular and cellular health.
Please be aware of following advices:

  • To be physically, mentally, and consciously at ease with yourself by familiarizing with all procedures of our Meridian Quantum Detox naturopathy through reading and inquiries before the treatment;
  • To ready yourself with medical records handy, especially the most recent physical exam and/or blood analyses prior to the treatment;
  • To contact us for free consultations before scheduling a therapy;
  • To review our therapy guideline thoroughly and sign the informed consent and related therapy treatment agreements;
  • To organize and plan your personal schedule ahead with a treatment duration of at least 15 days, avail yourself with a limited workload at our clinics or a regular workload with a personalized therapist;
  • To ready your personal hygiene items for the treatment duration of at least 15 days;
  • To make agreed payments per the signed contract prior to the treatment;
  • Free to terminate the Meridian Quantum Detox naturopathy at your option during the treatment under a pro-rated charge accordingly;
  • To bio-safely dispose the toxins drained per bio-safety standards and regulations;
  • To enable independent biomarker analysis of toxins extracted or drained at your option and additional cost;
  • To enable independent blood analysis at your option and additional cost;
  • Welcome free follow-up feedback and inquiries for future therapy advancement.
After applying Meridian massages followed by a set of proprietary quantum balm pastes to energize the Meridians, a proprietary set of pressure-controlled vacuum cupping is applied at or near a proprietary set of acupoints to suck the toxins out of the epidermal tissue of a human body consecutively and continuously until no more toxins execrating out.
The Meridian Quantum Detox therapy is contraindicative to patients had cardiovascular related implants, and to those who have their physician or health professional's orders of disallowing our type of therapeutic modality treatment, while special consultation and evaluation are required to those had previous surgical operations.
Life lies in movement. Life requires movement.

For those athletes and sports enthusiasts, this innovative detox naturopathy provides an effective and beneficial modality means to measure, vindicate and boost their health status, and enhance their molecular and cellular health goals.

This detox therapy can provide timely, 100% drug-free-intake health efficacy for athletes' detoxification, physical rehabilitation, recovery, and healing.
For anyone interested in the detox therapy business, the Meridian Quantum Detox provides the ultimate satisfaction in physical, mental, spiritual, and conscious health improvement and eco-life rejuvenation, as well as long-term business gains. For therapy practitioners, the Meridian Quantum Detox provides one of the best means to enhance their professional expertise and qualification to better social prestige, while better human health from unknown sub/abnormal-health defects and chronicle illnesses. To power to heal with your knowledge and expertise will bring out the best human spirits, virtue, morality, love, and faith for a better society.

With minor investment described below, you will obtain greater business gains:
  • One portion of the investment will be used for your personal detoxifying treatment, whereas you will receive the natural detox therapy to intuitively understand, feel, and trust the detox solution. This treatment of a finite investment cost will have a greater financial return in better health and enriched knowledge;
  • The other portion of the investment will enable you to obtain the legal IP license to represent and practice our innovative Meridian Quantum Detox naturopathy in a rewarding way to serve your clients with our full certification per our agreed contractual terms;
  • As a team member, you will obtain our fullest support to cover service training, upgrades, improvements, all tangibles and non-tangibles products and services related to our eco-natural healing support online and offline.
It's our great honor to have you join our Meridian Quantum Detox family. Look forward to your genuine participation.
Our Quvite healing is a cosmic energy healing protocol tailored to a specific human body that are comprised of nutritional eco-supplements, energy balancing and emerging quantum healing products for human immune system revival and healthy bio-energy enhancement.